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Search Engine Optimisation

SEO Organic search results

Our clients have seen a 10% steady growth in organic traffic

Organic search refers to the search results of a search engine that cannot be influenced by paid advertising. Organic search results are ranked according to their relevance to the search term. Our award-winning SEO services can help your website rank in to top SERPs of Google.

What is Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)?

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is essentially the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results. While the concept might be simple, the fact is that quality SEO can be rather technical. There’s no point attracting visitors to your website who are interested in rock music when the reality is you specialise in selling rocks. Alternatively, while it is possible to direct traffic to your website through paid advertising, quality traffic comes from organic searches. And that’s where we come in.


Do you really need SEO?

The internet is a large place. Currently, there are over 1.74 billion websites active and online. That’s a lot of websites! So if you’re going to be online, then your customers need to find you as quickly and as efficiently as possible. The purpose of Search Engine Optimization is twofold.

For starters, it increases traffic. If you provide valuable information and make it easy for search engines to find and organize it, they will reward you with higher rankings. This increased exposure means more visitors to your pages. As with most marketing, you want to get your content in front of as many eyeballs as you can.

Secondly, SEO brings you qualified leads for free. That’s right. Since search engines return results to users who are actively searching for a particular term or phrase, getting to the top of that stack means you’re providing information to the people who want it most, when they want it.

Unlike advertising, you aren’t trying to push information in front of people who might not be interested at the time. So, when SEO is done right, you get an active audience, and you don’t have to pay to get the message to them.

SEO Stats

76% of people who search on their smartphones for something nearby visit a business within a day.

28% of those searches for something nearby result in a purchase.

82% of people who implemented an SEO strategy found it to be effective

6000 Real Estate Organic Leads Generated

Case Study: Real Estate SEO

A large real estate firm in India; Model’s needed to build a social media presence from scratch, make their website more appealing, and set up a scalable lead generation mechanism.

The revamping of the website was the first step in brand building. Only then, could we establish an SEO strategy that revolved around their revamped website. Once a good SEO ranking was established, we kicked in paid advertising, which acted like jet boosters, propelling the number of leads and engagement.

We ranked the highest with real estate keywords within a span of three months for properties in its home state of Goa. They also generated organic leads up to 6,000 engagements approx. for property related queries.

SEO for Minimal & Sustainable Fashion

1M+ Impressions in 120 days with Organic Content

A highly regarded brand in international fashion, established in the early 1990’s, the designer was famously called ‘The Guru of Minimalism’ and known as a perfectionist.

We were entrusted with the task of digitising the brand’s presence online – to reach new global audiences and appeal to the younger generation – whilst also ensuring that the brand’s appeal stayed consistent.

We revamped the website to ensure a contemporary feel throughout. The introduction of an ‘E-shop’ ensured that this virtual boutique could now be shopped at with the click of a button from anywhere in the world!

Through our efforts of optimising the website, the introduction of an ‘E-shop’, and SEO and paid social media advertising, the website saw a healthy rise in daily traffic, across the globe.

The ‘E-shop’ was a strategy that garnered 24 orders and close to $7,000 in revenue within 4 months – November 2019 to February 2020.

FAQs on Search Engine Optimization

What is SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of helping customers connect with your business online through a variety of optimization tactics designed to increase your organic search traffic.

Our team uses modern SEO services, backed by the best digital marketing practices, to increase your organic traffic & search engine rankings for vetted, targeted keywords and long-tail phrases that drive business to your site. Search engine optimization services are the foundation for any successful online marketing strategy, however, finding the right SEO company can be a challenge. Let our SEO experts simplify the process for you by designing a successful SEO strategy that fits your goals and budge

How can it help my business?

To be successful online, your business/brand needs to understand what your customers are looking for, what are their preferences, and what they lack. SEO helps you with that.

It all starts with the search engines (like Google). Every search engine sends out crawlers to gather all the content and information they can from across the internet in order to build an index. When a query comes through, the search engine’s algorithm sifts through that index in order to provide the most important and relevant information in the search results, commonly know as the search engine rankings.

And that’s where SEO comes in. Optimization allows us to help search engines understand what’s on your website, the value your business has to offer, and how you connect to relevant keywords. It’s the foundation that drives organic traffic to your website and strengthens every aspect of your digital marketing strategy.

But major search engines are constantly evolving their algorithms and strategies to meet rising user demands. That’s why it’s essential to maintain a sustainable optimization strategy that is continuously working for you and your business. SEO is a process. It takes time and plenty of research to find what connects with your audience in order to achieve success in the organic search results. That's why our SEO process starts with you. You know your business best and your goals will act as the driving force behind your SEO strategy. So before we start any work, our team takes the time to get to know you and your business. By learning more about your audience, business model and competition, our team can work more effectively to develop a customized search engine optimization strategy tailored to your exact needs.

My website doesn’t attract any visitors. Can SEO help?

Yes it will! Imagine your website as a ‘promised land of good content and value’. SEO acts like a compass in navigating purposeful users to your website.


Is SEO easy? Can I do it myself?
It’s best you leave the SEO potions to us. But, one thing we can tell you is that, SEO is no magic. We brainstorm, analyze, test, predict, and implement SEO best practices that guarantee you success.
How much does it cost to hire an SEO agency?
We take pride in helping businesses (whether big or small) in broadening their reach via search engines. If you want to rank as the best, you have to hire the best, and pay them as the best.
My traffic has suddenly dropped! Why?
The reasons for the drop could range from Google coming up with an algorithm update, a change in website content, competitors ranking ahead of you, poor or lack of content etc.
Why does SEO take time to show results?
Google keeps updating so that users get good, purposeful content at their fingertips. We learn of these changes, tweak our strategies, and test them for best results.
Search engine optimisation

Know your SEO - A quick guide

On-page SEO

By using on-page SEO, we are able to optimize individual web pages in order to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in search engines. On-page relates to the content and HTML source code of a page and works toward optimizing it, as opposed to off-page SEO which refers to backlinks and other external signals. Our professional SEO services are perfected from 14+ years of experience, ensuring sites of all sizes will achieve higher rankings on Google and other search engines.

Off-page SEO

If it’s not on-page, it’s off-page; right? Well, sort of. Off-page SEO refers to all of the activities that you and others do outside of your website. Off-page SEO is done to raise the ranking of a page with search engines. Most digital marketing agencies will tell you that link building is all you need to do, but at Kilowott, we go beyond that.


Link Building

All roads leading home is great. So are all roads leading to your website – and that’s what link building does. After creating a great website with content that people are searching for and that search engines can understand, you’ll want to outrank the rest of the sites that do the same. This is accomplished by earning links from authoritative websites, building your brand, and nurturing an audience who will help amplify your content.

Content Development

There is so much content out there on the world wide web. Cutting through the mix means having to research, produce, and publish information that meets a strategic goal. Quality content that works will either build a connection with an audience or encourage some kind of marketing or sales outcome. This is why content development is a vital part of a good content marketing strategy. At Kilowott, we create everything from social media posts to blogs, animated videos, to podcasts.


Competitive Research

The only way you’re going to get ahead is by beating the competition. Competitive analysis is a strategy where you identify your major industry competitors and research their products, sales, and marketing strategies. This is the first step to creating a solid business strategy that improves upon your competition. Moreover, competitive analysis helps you learn the ins and outs of how your competition works. It also helps you identify what they’re doing right and realise opportunities where you can get ahead.


Local SEO

If you’re a small business or just starting out, it helps to start local before going global. Local Search Engine Optimization (also referred to as local search marketing) is an incredibly effective way to market your local business online since it helps businesses promote their products and services to local customers at the exact time they’re looking for them online. A great way of doing this is by harnessing Google’s ‘nearby’ functionality. To find out other ways in which we can target local traffic for your business, get in touch with us today. 

Ecommerce SEO

You’re online shopping, looking for the perfect widget. You turn to your favorite search engine, because where else would you shop? You type “widgets” into the search box and are instantly met with a results page loaded with widgets available to purchase.

Ecommerce SEO is the process of optimizing your website and its products to naturally gain traction and visibility in the search engine results pages (SERPs). And the goal is all about getting your own version of widgets in front of shoppers as they are actively searching for what you have to offer.

Whether you’re new to selling online, struggling to gain sales, or are looking to elevate the performance of your online store, eCommerce SEO can help.

SEO Analytics

We primarily work with Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager, and we give you full administrative access directly from the source. We don’t hide behind an internal analytics solution that conceals reality or skews results. We give you results as they are—data you can trust and review yourself at any time.

Our team provides ongoing reports with detailed explanations, bringing consistency to your team with transparent campaign performance.

Basic analytics is included with all of our SEO services.

Technical SEO

Search engines have increasingly placed more emphasis—and higher rankings—on websites that offer high-quality, user-friendly experiences. That means it’s essential for today’s businesses to have a solid digital foundation. That solid foundation starts with technical SEO.

Our technical team paves the way for digital marketing success. It’s not glamorous work, but just like every home needs a good foundation, every website needs a strong underlying basis of technical SEO. Turning attention to these fundamental details that boost a site’s performance is the key to helping your site rank above and beyond your competitors.

Our technical SEO services cover a gambit of nerdy optimization efforts that get our SEOs excited. Our professional team understands the nuances of technical SEO that deliver the maximum results for your budget. With affordable SEO services that only Mainstreethost can deliver, trust our team to take your website to the next level.

How Search Engines Work:

Depending on your bandwidth, willingness to learn, and the complexity of your website(s), you could perform some basic SEO yourself. Or, you might discover that you would prefer the help of an expert. Either way is okay!

If you end up looking for expert help, it’s important to know that many agencies and consultants “provide SEO services,” but can vary widely in quality. Knowing how to choose a good SEO company can save you a lot of time and money, as the wrong SEO techniques can actually harm your site more than they will help.

Crawling is the discovery process in which search engines send out a team of robots (known as crawlers or spiders) to find new and updated content. Content can vary — it could be a webpage, an image, a video, a PDF, etc. — but regardless of the format, content is discovered by links.

Googlebot starts out by fetching a few web pages, and then follows the links on those webpages to find new URLs. By hopping along this path of links, the crawler is able to find new content and add it to their index called Caffeine — a massive database of discovered URLs — to later be retrieved when a searcher is seeking information that the content on that URL is a good match for.

Search engines process and store information they find in an index, a huge database of all the content they’ve discovered and deem good enough to serve up to searchers.

When someone performs a search, search engines scour their index for highly relevant content and then orders that content in the hopes of solving the searcher's query. This ordering of search results by relevance is known as ranking. In general, you can assume that the higher a website is ranked, the more relevant the search engine believes that site is to the query.

It’s possible to block search engine crawlers from part or all of your site, or instruct search engines to avoid storing certain pages in their index. While there can be reasons for doing this, if you want your content found by searchers, you have to first make sure it’s accessible to crawlers and is indexable. Otherwise, it’s as good as invisible.

By the end of this chapter, you’ll have the context you need to work with the search engine, rather than against it!

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