Many industry leaders have switched from their outdated data storage solutions to contemporary cloud hosting platforms as a result of the cloud’s recent emergence as the go-to choice for enterprises wishing to store their data and host apps.
This has been happening as a result of the surge in cyberattacks, with security breaches becoming more and more likely every day, forcing businesses to turn to third-party cloud and managed security service providers that may be able to reduce security-related occurrences.
Advantages of Businesses Moving To The Cloud
Moving to the cloud gives enterprises an upper hand to their competitors in several ways:
Benefit No.1 – Scalability
The cloud provides businesses with control over the resources in comparison to solutions where contracts and uniformed plans bind. Furthermore, scaling up creates a tailback situation when using legacy systems, which makes it difficult for businesses to adapt to the growing demands of the consumer.
Hence adopting cloud enables easy scaling up or down based on the shifting business requirements.
Benefit No.2 – Cost
Moving to cloud not only reduces the operational costs but also strengthens IT processes. Initial seed investment is lower after adopting to cloud and added to that it improves the productivity of employees.
Benefit No.3 – Accessibility
Modern cloud services have the accessibility feature allowing businesses to grow while fulfilling their operational needs. It lets employees collaborate despite their location or hardware differences. Which means that data can be accessed from anywhere without worrying about the state of the machinery.
Benefit No.4 – Integration
Businesses that have data centers in their premises know how often they need to refresh their infrastructure to manage increased load and reduce efficiency. This tends to take a toll on monetary resources and also causes lagging in terms of delivery speed.
The cloud infrastructure connects systems together improving the efficiency with which the services interact, thus letting businesses mission- critical applications respond dynamically in the face of changing network traffic.
Benefit No.5 – Security
Shared responsibility model is used, that securely maintains the cloud infrastructure, where different parts of the cloud are secured by different stakeholders.
What is the future for cloud adoption?
The future for cloud looks promising, it is referred to as a disruptive technology, soon enough known to take over the banking and healthcare sectors through enhanced mobile experiences.
Thousands of businesses have kicked off their migration to the cloud and are uncovering ways to leverage the cloud in the best possible way.
Cloud has a huge role to play in this industry wide digital era. The question businesses should be asking at this point is not about migrating to the cloud or not, but what the strategy of migration should be.
This article gives 5 quick pointers to why are businesses moving to the cloud. Is your business one of them? Need help?