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Web Design & Development
August 1, 2024

Building A Seamless Norwegian E-Learning Platform for Norsk

Norsk is an initiative launched in North America aimed at helping young people thrive at Brunstad from an early age. The platform offers a comprehensive educational experience, allowing students to enroll in classes that accelerate their language comprehension and speaking skills. The project’s goal is to design and develop a robust learning platform where students can track progress and engage with interactive content to enhance their learning journey. Mentors can add lessons, monitor student performance, and offer personalized support, ensuring a tailored learning experience for each student.


To design and develop a learning platform for students to track progress and engage with interactive content while mentors can add lessons, monitor performance, and provide personalized support for a customized learning experience.

  • Strategy

    Web Design & Development

  • Design

    UI/UX Design

  • Client

    Norsk (NECCC)

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