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Unleashing The Potential of DevOps On Cloud Towards The Future

The tech community has been fired up about DevOps for the last decade on the road of improving software development speed, stability and deployment.

DevOps has taken center stage and drawn the attention of business leaders making them realize how their products or services could reach customers faster, with lesser errors while systems became more resilient.

The pandemic wrote the success story for DevOps supporting it through the global shift in businesses.

As the acceleration of products increases services, innovation, developers are deploying applications at an ever increasing pace.

Adopting DevOps for applications on premises has already yielded significant benefits like higher quality, reliable and early time to market resulting in customer loyalty retention.

During this shift lower test automation which could result in unbroken DevOps pipelines are few of the challenges faced by enterprises.

Migration gives enterprises an opportunity to plan their DevOps adoption ahead of time deriving maximum benefits and overcoming challenges in a planned manner.

Unlocking The Power of DevOps With Cloud

DevOps and moving the apps to the cloud complement each other so that enterprises can derive the same benefits on the cloud.

A well planned strategy needs to be defined along with preparing the applications for cloud DevOps before migration, for it to be a success.

DevOps-Cloud Strategy: The Key Decisions

While deciding on cloud DevOps strategy few points need to be considered:

  1. To improve their resilience, enterprises are choosing a multi-cloud strategy.
    Choosing the right DevOps solution becomes a critical decision enterprises need to take. Services like Azure DevOps, AWS code or cloud agnostic could be involved with the usage of tools such as Terraform.
  2. Businesses can choose from adopting a unified DevOps solution or creating a varied solution for different applications like cloud native, depending on what fits best for the business.
  3. Lastly, A tooling policy needs to be planned and strategized. This could be the deciding factor whether to use DevOps services from different cloud providers or commercial-off-the -shelf services or other open source tools for the DevOps practices.

Kickstarting Successful Cloud Migration

Enterprises need to get applications ready  for DevOps for a quick and smooth adoption to cloud, ensuring continued benefits of DevOps onto cloud.

  1. Tooling usage should be improved for those applications embarking on the journey for re-hosting. Test automation, static analysis of code and security test runs must be used to enhance application quality and safety.
  2. Automation performance tests need to be done to applications that are being re-platformed.
  3. There Is a long journey to travel in transformation to cloud, greenfield cloud-native application development may start before the development of unified solution. It is important that such applications achieve no-touch automation using DevOps.
  4. A cloud migration plan gives organizations an opportunity to re-look into their migration strategy in order to achieve minimum cost and low maintenance results. 

Need help in cloud adoption? Let’s talk!

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Jonas Bocarro
Jonas Bocarro

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