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Manufacturing Business Experience – Fundamentals for Manufacturers

The post-pandemic landscape creates severe challenges for the manufacturing sector. With retail businesses shut throughout 2020, product manufacturing is experiencing a listless growth around the world. Manufacturers are rethinking their strategies in a bid to apply the latest technologies such as AI and hybrid cloud.

The demand for business experience in manufacturing is at an all-time high. Digital technologies can build agility and intelligence across key functional areas of manufacturing processes. 

However, data on manufacturing, supply chains, and connected products remains overlooked. Manufacturers are unable to leverage the latest digital technologies effectively. From worker safety to quality inspection,  there are several areas in which digital innovations can modernize manufacturing and solve its challenges. 

Digitalization of Manufacturing Units

Increasing productivity cost-effectively, without compromising on the quality, is the core objective of manufacturing. As the demand for quality products increases, existing manufacturing practices fail in delivery. For successful improvements in the performance of production units, manufacturers need to identify challenges. Every digital technology adopted can help them in mitigating these challenges and optimizing the costs of production. They need to analyze these areas thoroughly. By embracing digital technology, they can strategize their growth in production value instead of focusing on the revenue. 

Smart Data Discovery

The majority of manufacturing organizations have been in the industry for a long. They have huge volumes of data, which can generate quality insights through digital data analytics. With data unification, manufacturers can avoid intuition-based decision-making. They can use AI tools to make proactive, database, and predictive decisions. 

Connected Manufacturing

The most rewarding benefit of business experience in the manufacturing sector is connected manufacturing. With real-time online connectivity, the manufacturer has full control over every component of the production unit. Through different stages of the development cycle, digital technologies can interlink the operations and improve their combined efficiency. 

By adopting connected manufacturing as a digital strategy, manufacturers can – 

  1. Scale their operational data with cloud computing
  2. Apply insights from data analytics in real-time
  3. Improve visibility with remote asset tracking
  4. Ensure customer satisfaction with instant feedback addressed to them
  5. Improve workforce collaboration with an online, peer-to-peer connectivity

With connected manufacturing, the quality of production increases. Visual monitoring and intelligent analytics help manufacturers in making more informed decisions and adapt to the changing demands.

Modernized Production Systems

Legacy systems in manufacturing plants are becoming their biggest impediments. They are holding back workers from improving their output due to technological limitations. Business Experience (BX) in manufacturing focuses on replacing these legacy systems with upgraded alternatives.

By installing modern production systems and fully-automated assembly lines, manufacturers can avoid every single point of failure. These systems are scalable and can match up to the highest demands in the business. Their functionalities are cost-friendly as their operations do not have a long development cycle.

In addition to cutting costs, digital manufacturing systems are regulatory compliant as well. They help manufacturers in prioritizing different phases for minimizing the risks and maximizing the profits. 

Smart Manufacturing – The Digital Frontier

The future of manufacturing lies in how intelligent the production units become. An AI-based digital intervention can help manufacturers run production lines with zero product failures. They can implement resourceful management and throughput optimization at every step of the process.  

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Smart manufacturing is all about saving time, costs, and resources by using digital technologies. Being a process-intensive industry, the manufacturing sector needs automated systems. RPA has a direct impact on minimizing the costs and increasing the accuracy of production. Semi-automated systems can cut manufacturing times and nullify operational risks, even under heavy workloads. Routine inspection becomes easy and accurate. Repetitive tasks are automated for improved efficiency. The overall outcome of RPA-based manufacturing is high in quality and quantity. 

Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT technologies are the backbone of smart manufacturing. Many industries have employed responsive sensors and connectivity appliances on their manufacturing equipment. IoT technologies help manufacturers control their production intelligently in areas such as asset monitoring, real-time field service management, and predictive maintenance. IoT makes smart manufacturing more attainable during Business of Experience.

The future of Manufacturing is here!

With the onset of business experience in manufacturing, smart factories are growing in huge numbers across the world. The information has become a valuable resource for manufacturers. Powered by automation and AI, manufacturing plants are improving their capabilities organically. Learning-based business decisions in product development are helping manufacturers solve the supply chain and business experience challenges. 

In the future of manufacturing, change is certain. Digital technologies can scale to these changes, regardless of how small or big they might be. Ultimately, manufacturers will be able to make each product error-free and affordable through digital transformation. 

For effectively implementing digital solutions in manufacturing, you need a trusted partner. Empower your production capabilities and optimize your resources with Kilowott’s next-gen digitalization services. 

Jonas Bocarro
Jonas Bocarro

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