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Business Experience Strategies For Human Resource Management

HR digital transformation in process

Digital transformation within HR is defined as the transition of a business based on traditionally manual processes to a business that has technology as its core in all its functions, including HR.

The goal of digital transformation in HR is to automate processes and reduce the time spent on repetitive tasks, maximize the employee experience, and free-up time to benefit the business bottom line.

HR digital transformation is the transformation in the way HR functions, using data to guide all areas of HR: payroll, benefits, performance management, learning and development, rewards and recognition, and hiring.

The role of Human Resource teams in digital transformation is to automate data-led processes.

In collaboration with the IT department, HR is now being asked to lead organizations towards digital transformation and support its continual digital evolution.

This involves empowering employees with a digital mindset to improve workforce processes and enhance productivity.

HR Business Experience

Human Resource digital transformation is the process of changing operational HR processes to become automated and data-driven.

According to Deloitte’s 2017 Human Capital Trends report: ‘It’s about Human Resource teams taking up the dual challenge of transforming HR operations on the one hand, and transforming the workforce and the way work is done on the other.’

So, rather than HR digital transformation being just about Human Resource, it’s a metamorphosis that involves organizations as a whole. Or at least it should, in order for it to be successful.

How can Business Experience improve HR?

Step #1 – Set a clear goal

Start by establishing a clear defined goal that makes sense from a business perspective. Most of the time, this goal will be to solve an issue employees encounter.

The focus should always be on the employee as an end-user. It’s also why you want to let your employees test any new technology themselves first before you implement it.

Step #2 – Involve everyone

This involves all the stakeholders, from employees to everyone in -between. When it comes to a digital Human Resource transformation – something that will affect the entire organization – you need all the support you can get in order for it to become a success.

Step #3 – Keep things simple

Always start simple. Look for areas within your HR processes that could do with a digital makeover (whether pre-selection & recruitment, onboarding & inboarding, learning and development, payroll management and so on).
Talk about this with your employees and the members of the top management. Ask them what they think should be a priority.

Step #4 – Prioritize ideas

Prioritize ideas based on impact and effort. The former meaning the business impact of digitizing the ideas and the latter meaning the time and money it would take to actually get the ideas to go digital.

Start with the ideas that are high impact and low effort. They will help you build the business case for digital HR and get you going quickly.

Step #5 – Assess every performance

Trying and implementing digital technologies is great, but doesn’t make much sense if you don’t look at their results. Hence, critically assess what works and what doesn’t.

After all, the only way for us to advance is to solve actual problems with technological solutions that truly solve these problems.

Step #6 – Keep an eye on culture

Digital technology alone is not enough for an HR transformation. From the new people you hire, via your current workforce all the way up to the top management, a digital mindset is essential for a successful transformation.

Business Experience in Human Resource Around The World

Unilever is radically changing its hiring process. The company is experimenting with – among other things – social media, online games, and AI to further digitalize how they are recruiting.

Another example is that of Cisco. The company organizes hackathons to build new Human Resource products – such as the YouBelong@Cisco app and Ask Alex.
The former is meant to help new hires and their managers during their onboarding period and the latter is a voice command app that gives quick answers to various HR questions about holiday policy, expenses etc.

IBM is well-known for its experiments to drive new digital HR solutions. The technology firm launched a digital learning platform that gives its employees a fully customized experience.

Confused as to how your HR teams can get digitized? Speak to our very own in-house HR management for some tips. Also follow our unique customer experience blog for more strategies in HR.

Jonas Bocarro
Jonas Bocarro

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